10 Steps to Healthy Happy Hormones

A healthy digestive system and hormonal harmony

Low Sex Drive & Stubborn Weight

Low sex drive, seesaw moods, stubborn weight gain, bloating & flatulence, constipation, reflux; hair loss and premature aging are just some of the symptoms of not having harmonious hormonal functions. Almost all symptoms you experience can be traced back to your digestive tract and hormonal balance. 

Estrogen and Cancer Growth

Playing in this hormonal orchestra are Estrogens, Progesterone, Testosterone, Oxytocin the love hormone, Cortisol and thyroid hormones. Each has their own subtle effect on our health, too much or too little can be damaging. To low estrogen can cause bone loss and low libido, whereas too high estrogen can accelerate cancer growth and cause stubborn weight. To little progesterone can cause water retention and too much can exacerbate acne. 

Healthy Hormones = Healthy You 

When all these yummy hormones are balancing, we feel strong, confident and energized; life is great and Earth is a fantastic place to be. Each morning you wake up and embrace the world, ready to take on the day and fulfill your dreams. These feelings, however, are not abundant through society. Many people wake up tired, puffy, bloated and achy, pressing the snooze button and trying to pause life. The influence the hormones have on your body is extremely powerful; this is extremely challenging for women and their monthly cycle. 

Where Hormones Are Born

Your hormones are synthesized using delicate feedback mechanisms between the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries, testis, thyroid, adrenals and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT); however, these feedback mechanisms can be disrupted by stress, insomnia, diet, exercise, chemicals, medication, and overabundance of bad bacteria in the gut. 

Yes To Much Exercise Can Cause Weight Gain In Women 

Bad Bacteria Causes You To Get Fat

The GIT biome plays an enormous role in hormone balance in the body, the impact has been underplayed until now, but numerous studies are being performed which show the importance of GIT health and hormone balance. One study has shown that C.scindens actually turns glucocorticoids (stress hormone) to androgens (male hormones), this could explain why highly stressed individuals who have high cortisol, show symptoms of high androgens such as sugar craving, facial or chest hair growth in women, weight gain around the abdomen and insomnia. This fine balance could be the difference between too little or too much. 

 High Testosterone Causes Male Features In Women

Stress Ruins Digestion

Both estrogen and cortisol directly affect digestion. Cortisol is a stress hormone, which robs the digestive tract of blood and oxygen, and turns off the production of your digestive enzymes. High estrogen can also cause inflammation, bloating and constipation; this digestive inflammation may also be a precursor to ulcerative colitis and diverticulitis. 

Detox You Bowel to Balance Hormones

Bowel bacteria can affect estrogen dominance in a few ways. One way is through Bowel transit time, the longer the transit time, such as in conditions like constipation or longer colons, increases the likelihood of estrogen reabsorption; it is key to get bowel transit times to no more than 24 hours to enable estrogen excretion. Overgrowth of bad bacteria also produces a higher amount of beta-glucuronidase, this is an enzyme which breaks the bond between estrogen and glucuronic acid, this causes estrogen to be reabsorbed in the GIT. Studies show that Lactobacillus acidophilus which is found in natural yogurt and kefir can decrease this enzyme, which leads to faster excretion time of estrogen. 

Thyroid & Leaky Gut

As well as inflicting havoc on the sex hormones, the GIT can also exacerbate thyroid hormones. With any thyroid disorder, you should pay close attention to the GIT bacteria, I even suggest with any autoimmune thyroid disease you get a Complete Digestive Stool Analysis performed to ascertain the bacteria colonization in your GIT. Both T4 and T3 protect the gut mucosa to prevent leaky gut, any rise in TSH and fall in T3 and T4 may leave your GIT susceptible to damage, you are also in a  high-risk category for leaky gut and dysbiosis. 

How Can You Improve Your Well-being Hormones and Get Rid Of Stubborn Weight?

Follow these simple steps below to optimize your digestive health and get that harmonious balance between your hormones.

1) Increase fiber

You should try and get 40gms of fiber per day. You can add flax meal or chia seeds to smoothies; take pectin supplements or slippery elm

2) Eat your vegetables

Eat 2 cups of leafy greens, 2 cups of coloured salad vegetables and 2 cups brassica vegetables daily

3) Eat fermented foods

Increase your intakes, such as sauerkraut, kombuchu, Kefir, Umboshi plums and Kimchee

4) Drink filtered water

Consume filtered water free from chlorine and fluoride. Both these substances have been added to tap water. Chlorine is added to kill off pathogenic organisms but unfortunately, it does not discriminate. Chlorine kills both bad and good bacteria in your digestive tract. Fluoride has been added to prevent teeth decay but this chemical also affects your immune cells responsible for gut immunity, too much fluoride can leave your GIT open to dormant bacteria’s and candida yeast to grow rampantly through your digestive tract.

5) Eat resistant starch

RS feeds your good bacteria, this includes white rice which has been cooked then cooled, sweet potatoes, turnips, radish

6) Meditate

Quiet time helps to reduce stress. Stress lowers your digestive enzymes which protect the GIT and also limits blood flow to the GIT

7) Green Play

Get outside and have some green time. Try gardening or just play outside; to help boost your good gut bacteria

8) Say NO to GMO

GMO reeks havoc on your gut, increasing leaky gut syndrome which leads to higher cortisol levels and food intolerance

9) Detox

Detoxing is the best way to reset your hormones and reclaim your body

10) Food Intolerance

Get tested for food intolerances. This is a simple blood prick performed by many Naturopaths. Food intolerances increase gut permeability raising cortisol, playing havoc with thyroid hormones and increasing your prevalence for autoimmune disorders.


Get tested for food intolerances. This is a simple blood prick performed by many Naturopaths. Food intolerances increase gut permeability raising cortisol, playing havoc with thyroid hormones and increasing your prevalence for autoimmune disorders.   


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