Blood Sugar Could Save Your Marriage!

Yesterday was crazy!!!!

It should have been a beautiful Sunday at home with my beau, but instead it turned into stressful mess (which is unusual for us).

He was working late on Saturday night, I was out with friends and had a beautiful dinner; I got to bed around 11pm, which is way way past my bed time (normally in bed by 830pm kind of gal),  and for some bizarre reason slept right through to Sunday at 10am.

We both got up feeling a little under the weather, we had no food in the house and both felt a little sleepy, so we didn’t go and get anything (to be honest I just wanted to lay in bed all day).

But at about midday we headed to the shops to buy groceries, both too exhausted to think about food for lunch, we ended up not buying anything. And then something very odd happened, we began to get agitated with each other. Normally we are both pretty calm and collected!

Normally we are always in our happy place, but as the day progressed neither of us could do right. We were poking and prodding at one another, feeling that under the skin irritation.  I mean it was extrememly bothersome, and I really wanted to walk out the house!!!!

And then by 4pm, the penny dropped, OMG, neither of us had eaten all day. No wonder we were turning into feral animals, our blood sugar had plummeted.

When blood sugar drops it causes lots of crazy things, but what I really noticed is the anger and agitation it can cause. It’s a kind of impatience you just cannot help.

It got me thinking!!!

Is uncontrolled blood sugar a big reason why some couples and families have so much drama???

Could it be as simple as eating right? To help build bridges and mend relationships?

We all know families and couples who are always fighting and arguing, and constantly getting annoyed with one another.

When the penny dropped, I thought how many relationships are on the verge of disaster, and wondered if maybe it is due to something as simple as crazy blood sugar and insulin resistance.

We ended up ordering Indian very late in the day, and the later it got the more agitated we got (we were like crazy people) finally it arrived, then I remember that just 5 minutes after eating, we both relaxed, and that warm loving feeling I normally have for him returned and I was in an extremely happy place.

Dopamine had kicked in!!!!

Not sleeping well + not eating = Angry Monster!

Blood sugar has a tendency to fluctuate if you don’t eat the right things, and not only does it cause that angry monster to come out of hibernation.

Fluctuating blood also causes a myriad of different symptoms including:

Stubborn weight that’s difficult to lose
Belly fat
Craving alcohol
Craving carbs
Nausea in the morning
Motion sickness
Low thyroid

Balancing your blood sugar is so important for your overall health, including your endocrine system and mood.

I am pretty sure that with nicely balanced blood sugar; you’ll feel happier, calmer, and just generally be a better person to be around.

The first place to start:

Eat balanced meals.

Always have fat, protein, and starch in your meals to help you balance out. Once your blood sugar gets balanced you can omit starch if you want.

50% leafy green veg and salad veg
25% protein
15% fat
10 % starch

Fat is one of the best macronutrients to help balance blood sugar, so if you know you suffer from fluctuating blood sugar, insulin resistance, or an over production of insulin then add fat to your daily meals.

Such as:
½ Avocado
Teaspoon of grass fed butter
Tablespoon of raw olive oil
Handful of macadamia nuts
Fresh black olives
Coconut shreds or coconut oil

And remember if you ever get your HANGRY on, don’t forget to eat; make sure you have a protein fat ratio, the right foods,  not high carbohydrate or sugar, which will elevate your blood sugar and activate insulin receptors instantly, and cause a sugar crash in a few hours.

So, there it is. My tips to balance blood sugar, and hopefully rekindle that spark in your relationships.

Balancing blood sugar impacts all aspects of your life. #hormone #insulin #hack #nutrition

— Naomi Judge (@NaomiJudge) May 16, 2016


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