How To Use Chaste Tree For Healthy Hormones

Have you heard about the potential benefits of chaste tree for your hormones?

Chaste tree, also known as chaste berry or Vitex, has many actions that can support hormone balance. But like any herb or supplement, is not a fit for everyone.

What is chaste tree?

Chaste tree is a plant that is native to the Mediterranean and Asian regions. Like many plants, it has been used for its therapeutic properties for thousands of years.

You may see it referred to as chaste berry or Vitex after its botanical name, Vitex agnus-castus.

There are a variety of benefits, but the best-known is its effects on hormone balance in women.

Chaste tree for supporting ovulation

Vitex is a wonderful herb for supporting healthy ovulation. It regulates hormones such as luteinising hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and progesterone to encourage ovulation.

If you are not ovulating, Vitex may be worth considering. It is particularly useful for those experiencing post-pill syndrome.

Chaste tree in menopause

Another benefit of Vitex is reducing elevated FSH in menopause. This can reduce many of the common symptoms of menopause including:

  • Insomnia

  • Hot flushes

  • Anxiety

Chaste tree and PMDD

Some of the most powerful effects of Vitex are for PMS and PMDD. Some women experience depleted progesterone and low dopamine during their luteal phase. This leads to symptoms such as:

  • Insomnia

  • Low moods and depression

  • Sugar cravings

  • Memory loss

  • General lack of mojo – everything feels like an uphill battle!

Vitex can help by peaking up dopamine during this time. In fact, one reason that women experience benefits early on is because of the action on dopamine. They feel calm, happy and satisfied thanks to the boost of dopamine.

Other uses

Some other ways that Vitex may be useful include:

  • Regulating longer or shorter cycles

  • Breast pain during the luteal phase

  • Oestrogen dominance

  • Supporting low dopamine levels

However, I do recommend getting your hormones checked first. Once you know your hormone balance, you can decide if Vitex is for you.

How long should I use it for?

This is not something that you want to use long-term, especially without the supervision of a naturopath. The optimal length of use is 3 months, but this does depend on what you are using it for.

Who should not use chaste tree?

There are some people who it is not a good fit for. For some women with oestrogen dominance, Vitex may cause symptoms. If you experience bloating, anxiety, lack of sleep or don’t feel right, stop taking it immediately.

You should not use it if you:

  • Are on L-dopa or any other drugs that affect dopamine

  • Taking antipsychotic medications

  • Experience psychosis

  • Taking fertility drugs or undergoing IVF

  • Breastfeeding (it can suppress prolactin)

If you do use it in these circumstances, it can flare up your symptoms.


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