Cleanse ReBoot - Part 1

Your Lymphatics Rock! 

When you cleanse always start with your lymphatics go slow and go steady.  By doing it this way you're ensuring you won't get any of nasty detox symptoms. These symptoms will leave you feeling foggy, moody, fatigued and out for the count for days.

Why Your Need to Cleanse?

With over 25 000 new toxins entering your environment each year (Page, 2008). Resulting in a massive exposure to toxins. Which results in more toxins needing to get cleansed rather than stored in your liver or even building up in fatty tissue.Some people have specific symptoms which indicate they might need to cleanse. Symptoms of acne, eczema, dry skin, IBS, hair loss, smelly breath, brain fog moodiness and PMS.Even if you don’t have any significant symptoms it is still a good idea to focus on gently cleansing your system. You can do this simply by eating whole food with lots of vegetables or incorporating some daily routines such as dry skin brushing.Our environment, foods we eat, stressors and even genetics play an important part in our bodies toxicity. Many toxins will enter our body only to be stored in fatty tissue, other toxins will go to the liver to be sorted and cleansed out through the bowel or kidneys. Gently cleansing means to help this process, prevent storage of toxins in fatty tissue and ensure your Liver, Bowel, Kidneys and Gallbladder get the support they always need, even if you are symptom-free.With this in mind let’s get started.

What to do first?

Cleanse external first. Focusing on your lungs, skin and lymphatic system.

Cleanse Your Lymphatics

The lymphatic system is responsible for filtering out dead red blood cells, pathogens, bacteria, yeast, candida, hormone metabolites, viruses and heavy metals.

“The most important function of the lymphatic system is to remove extravasated proteins from the tissues, as these cannot be effectively absorbed back into the blood capillaries” (Wagshul & Johnston, 2013)

Therefore it is important to support nourish and cleanse your lymphatic system, it plays an important role in your immune function and tissue Ph levels.When your lympohatics aren't working you'll experiance:

  • Brain fog

  • Clogged pores

  • Smelly body odour

  • Mood swings

  • Insomnia

  • Stubborn infections

  • Swollen glands

  • Interstitial Cystitis

  • Depression 

So, it' important not to neglect this wonderful cleansing canal system in your body

Here are my 4 top ways to cleanse your Lymphatic System

1. Hot and cold therapy2. Dry skin brushing3. Echinacea tea4. Cleansing soups and juices

Hot and cold therapy

Your body cleanses via the lymph and the blood. By utilising hot and cold it allows blood vessels to constrict and dilate helping with blood flow and cleansing. This also encourages lymph drainage. Heat therapy like infrared sauna also helps to mobilise toxins stored in fat as well as getting 5% more blood to peripheral areas which helps lymphatic cleansing (Crinnion, 2007)

Dry Skin Brushing

Using a natural bristled brush and ever so lightly brushing upwards helps to move the lymph through the system. The lymph system is like a slow pump, so soft slow movement work it best. Brush slowly inwards towards the heart.

Echinacea tea

Echinacea is known as a blood cleanser, it does this by helping to clean out the lymph which then cleans the blood. 2 cups of echinacea tea daily will help cleanse your lymph and boost your immune system.

Cleansing soups and juices

Use lots of soups and juices to keep your system hydrated. Eat greens like rocket, endive, dandelion greens and nettle to help to cleanse and nourish the lymphatics.

Crinnion, W. (2007). Components of practical clinical detox programs--sauna as a therapeutic tool. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 13(2), S154–6. Retrieved from, R. (1994). Mechanisms of Injury in Renal Disease and Toxicity. CRC Press. Retrieved from, L. (2008). Healthy Healing’s Detoxification: Programs to Cleanse, Purify & Renew. Healthy Healing, Inc. Retrieved from, M. E., & Johnston, M. (2013). The Brain and the Lymphatic System. In Immunology of the Lymphatic System (pp. 143–164).


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