Cleanse Your Lymphatic System With These Simple Steps

Did you know that it’s not just your liver that helps with detoxification? It’s just as important to look at supportive body systems including your lymphatics. The good news is that it’s easy to cleanse your lymphatic system.

Let’s take a look at why lymphatic cleansing is essential for a healthy, happy body.

Why cleanse the lymphatics?

Have you been feeling fatigued, bloated, inflamed or even depressed? Noticed these symptoms since you’ve been drinking more, eating more treats or skipping out on sleep for socialisation?

Some people can get away with indulging for a few days without too many side effects. But some of us will experience symptoms whenever we deviate from our usual routines and patterns.

To get back on track, you want to do a reset. Figure out where in your body isn’t quite working, and do some work on supporting that system. For many people, it’s not a case of one system, but all of the detox and elimination channels – the kidneys, bowel, liver, gallbladder and lymphatics.

When it comes to cleansing, I always start with the lymphatics. Why? Think of a sewer – you don’t want to ‘back it up’ deeper into the body! Instead, you want to open the gate and slowly work backwards to relieve the buildup. Once your lymphatic system is working optimally, you can move onto the kidneys, bowel and liver.

The lymphatic system can affect different areas of your health – issues with hormones, sleep, mood, immunity and inflammation can all be linked back to the lymphatics. If you want to feel healthy and energised, you want your lymphatics to work efficiently.

Signs you might need a lymph cleanse

How do you know if your lymphatic system needs a little TLC? There are some signs that your lymphatics aren’t working optimally. They include:

  • Water retention, particularly in the lower legs

  • Elevated cholesterol

  • Autoimmune and immune problems – the lymphatic system directs immune cells to a problem area, so it plays a massive role in both!

  • Allergies

  • Hives

  • Sinus problems

  • Puffy eyes

  • Sore itchy throat

  • Recurring strep throat

  • Swollen glands, particularly around the head and neck area

How to cleanse your lymphatic system naturally

So how can you get started when it comes to a lymphatic cleanse? There are a few simple steps you can try:

  • Nourish yourself with plenty of wholefoods and veggies – aim for 6-9 cups of veg a day, and make sure you get at least 2-3 cups of dark leafy greens

  • Include lymph-loving ingredients including nettle tea, celery seed, fennel and chlorella

  • Drink plenty of water, and add some lemon or apple cider vinegar (ACV)

  • Get a massage or massage your own body at home with a nice body oil

  • Spend some time in an infrared sauna

  • Practice dry skin brushing daily

The best way to approach this is to make a plan each day of what you will add to your daily habits. Ask yourself: what can I do to support my lymphatics today?


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