Detoxify the green way


As many of my clients know, I like to use food to heal the body, create energy and free up space. This detoxifying Salad is a beautiful way to free up space, by getting rid of unwanted nasties.

This is a powerhouse of detoxifying goodness, and every bite is yummy and delicious.

Lets begin with my favorite detoxifying herb Coriander or also known as Cilantro. This beautiful herb full of body and flavour, is one of the big guns, when it comes to heavy metals; this bad boy grabs onto those toxic metals and drags them out kicking and screaming: but it gets the job done.

Then we have Parsley, more than just a pretty face; this should be used in abundance. Great for detoxifying, but also amazing at combating water retention: drink plenty of filtered water when eating parsley, and you'll notice the difference.

Kale is added, because not only do I love it, but it brings with it nutrients and lots of fibre; fibre is essential when you are detoxing: this helps the bowel to function which keeps the toxins moving and we don't get a traffic jam down there!!

Those are the greens I use, I also add tomatoes, mainly to add a little bit of colour and flavour to the dish; I also add Pepitas, these add fibre, protein and a nice little crunch.

As a dressing, I use lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, both are great detoxifiers, but the addition of the apple cider vinegar helps to liven up the raw food and aids digestion. Apple cider vinegar helps to speed up sluggish bowel motions and also promotes friendly bacteria in the gut. I find you get best results when you marinate it for a few hours: everything softens down nicely.

Time to make and enjoy! Please remember if you suffer from underactive thyroid, you will need to steam the kale to make it more health friendly for you.


1 Bunch Kale
1 Bunch Parsley
1 Bunch Coriander
Juice from 1 Lemon
Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
Pinch of Himalayan Rock Salt
Tub of cherry Tomatoes
Cup of Pepitas  / Sunflower seeds


Chop the coriander and parsley; you can use a food processor to get the Kale nice and fine, if you don't have one cut it as finely as you can; if you need to cook the Kale, just steam it for a few minutes over very hot steam, don't keep it there too long. Mix the salt, apple cider vinegar and lemon together; pour over the green veg and leave to marinate. In the meantime, steam the cherry tomatoes, until the juice is popping from them. Finally mix all ingredients together in a big bowl and add the Pepitas.

One last note ... Remember to CHEW the food, this is the ultimate health favour we can do ourselves and free!!!!!
Chewing releases nutrients, enzymes, good bacteria and takes the load of out tummies.

