Hearty Mung Bean Stew

Hearty Mung Bean Stew

Supporting your immunity and health during the lockdown with this hearty Mung Bean stew and 7 Free Recipes.

I love soothing stews and soups. This mung Stew is one of my favourite to make. It is filling and nourishing You can swap out any of the vegs and use cauliflower, sweet potatoes, zucchini instead.

If you like it chunky you can chop your veg instead of whizzing them in the blender.

For a richer flavour slow cook the onions for longer with tomato paste and fish sauce.

Batch cooking seems to be the way to go right now, so I thought it would be helpful to provide you with some yummy immune-boosting recipes that you can make in bulk and freeze.

You can download some FREE Immune Boosting Recipes Here

When supporting your whole immune system foods can be your medicine.


Also eating soups and stews is an excellent way not to let anything go to waste, and supports the immune system too. 

Also, make sure you keep hydrated. Water is not only one of the best ways to hydrate and detox but keeping hydrated protects you from stressors such as EMF and WIFI in the side, which then helps to reduce inflammation. 

Keeping inflammation low is the key to a robust immune system.

If you are restricted inside then up to you water to 2-3 litres daily, add in ginger tea and juices and green smoothies. 

Mung Bean Stew

2 cups dried Mung Beans
3 brown onions
tablespoon butter
2 cups tomato passata
teaspoon salt
black pepper
teaspoon paprika
4 garlic cloves
tablespoon soy sauce
4-5 celery sticks
3-4 carrots
300ml broth
bunch coriander
qrt pumpkin
water when needed to cover the mix
extra garlic
half bunch kale

Soak mung beans for 24-48 hours. The longer, the better. Once soaked boil them up for about 30 minutes, then drain. 

Meanwhile, chop three onions and on a medium heat caramelise with a good dollop butter. Add tomato passata, a few cloves garlic, salt, pepper and paprika and a swig of soy sauce. Leave this to cook on medium heat for a few minutes.

In a blender roughly blend four celery sticks and four carrots, until like breadcrumbs add to the pan along with 300ml of veg or bone broth. 

Add mung beans, qtr chopped pumpkin, one bunch chopped coriander. Plus water until the mix is just covered. 

Pop on medium heat and simmer for about 40 minutes until all the veg is tender. 

Add extra water if needed along with additional salt and pepper or chilli if you like it hot. 

Once cooked, take off the heat and add three crushed garlic cloves and one bunch finely chopped kale, stir through and serve. 

I like to serve with a tablespoon fresh lemon juice and parmesan and a lovely dash olive oil. It is also tasty served with truffle oil or salt. 

If you want some more recipes you can download 7 FREE Immune Boosting Recipes right here


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