Periscope - Weight Loss Wednesday's Q&A

Weight Loss Wednesday’s Q&A  – Get your vitamin O for weight loss

This week was an awesome Q&A, the questions just kept coming and coming. Thats how i like it, keeps me on my toes. I have also figured out that i need to write all the question down, that way no one misses out. Thanks for all your support … please keep the questions and love hearts coming my way,and I’ll pay it forward by getting to all the questions.

Week 6 – Does sex help you lose weight?
Here’s a run through of all the great questions I got this week. Keep them coming guys. Big shout out to @Luvofit for all the great questions.

What can I eat for breakfast to gain muscle?
Check out Tim Ferris breakfast ideas for weight gain. Tim generally advises legumes + protein + eggs for breaky, keep it simple and repeat daily. You can check him out here
This is more for you boys out there. Women tend to need more balanced meals and less intense exercise in the morning. Also women need to be careful not to raise testosterone levels to much. 

Can i lose 2 stone (2.5 kilos) in 6 weeks?
YES you can!

  • Reduce inflammatory foods such as: gluten, soy, dairy and in some cases eggs.

  • Have a green smoothie for breakfast to aid detoxing.

  • Reduce starch at breakfast time. 

  • For dinner and lunch have protein plus lots veg, fat and little bit of carb.

  • Don’t snack to much, just up to 2 designated snack times daily.

  • Don’t starve yourself. You don’t want to be in nutrient deficit. 

Is whisky a food?
No it isn’t a food, although it does contain gluten so be careful if you are gluten sensitive. 

How do you make the perfect smoothie 
Check this blog out 

If i have sex 9 times a week and lift weights –  will I lose weight?
You should sustain a good weight, as long as you are eating a well balanced diet and don’t have any other health problems.
Sex will help to balance oxytocin, a feel good hormone which also aids in weight loss.

What should I eat after sugar – to counteract the effects?
Try these to balance your blood sugar after a sugary snack:

  • Apple cider vinegar (anecdotal evidence exists in its ability to help balance blood sugar)

  • Take a Magnesium supplement before food. 

  • Have a balanced green smoothie after your sugary snack. 

  • Short burst exercise after eating; use 7 minute work out APP after eating  

  • Make sure you next meal contains protein and fat to help balance blood sugar and get you off the blood sugar train to obesity. 

  • Try to refain from sugar foods until after 6pm

is Metamucil ok?
‘No’, as it does have preservatives and sweeteners added, so I would avoid this brand. Fibre is great though for weight loss as it helps excrete excessive estrogen and toxins. You can add flaxseeds, high fibre vegetables, slippery elm or plain psyllium husk to your food instead. 

Are protein powders good?
‘Yes’ they can be a great added to a healthy balanced, varied diet. You need to use clean proteins free from additives and chemicals.


Can I consume 3 protein drinks daily?
I wouldn’t advise this. That may be a little to much, depending on your health and what you are trying to achieve. You don’t want to consume to much protein under stressful situations, as the  protein can turn to glucose in the body and get stored as glycogen in a process called gluconeogenesis
Try also to  have one protein free day per week. This will ensure you get a nice cellular detox weekly. 

How can I suppress my appetite

  • Caralluma fimbriata

  • Coconut oil (teaspoon when you most need it)

  • Fibre (add fibre to meals and to your green smoothie)

  • Try metabolic typing to help figure out your metabolism advantage 

How much magnesium to sleep
Both magnesium and calcium help you sleep, try citrate or amino chelated form., don’t go to high dose 600mg of powder magnesium is a good dose for you.  2pm is a great time to take magnesium and then before bed take calcium – this helps to calm the nervous system and reduce afternoon fatigue, while aiding a restful nights sleep. 

Thanks for all the great questions, feel free to comment below if you have any questions. If not I’ll catch you next week on periscope @NaomiJudge


What is your body trying to tell you?


Perfect Smoothie Combo