Prevent Jet Lag: 15 Flying Tips to Keep You Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

Here’s me in the 2nd row with my family, getting ready to take off. For this flight we had, salad, cold meat, water, cut up vegetable sticks, green smoothie, and some fruit. I had it all in a cool bag ready for us to enjoy mid flight 🙂

For the last 15 years, I have been flying a minimum of 
40000 kilometres each year. I am often travelling for 32 hours; 21 of these hours are spent in economy class planes in a seated position for what seems like an eternity. Due to the size of the seats, and restricted leg room, economy class is tougher to do; but I always prefer to save my money to do exciting things with my family, rather than invest it in the expensive big reclining cinema seats in business class. It’s a decision I have made, but it doesn’t mean flying has to be uncomfortable and troublesome. In fact I look forward to flying now, because I have my routine and habits down pat, I ensure I have all my creature comforts so that the flight is enjoyable and as comfortable as it can be. Preparing for the flight can be as pleasurable as the holiday itself.

This length of time of non-stop sitting while travelling does take its toll on the body, about 5% of travellers develop clots, which end up dissolving naturally, but for others it can cause more complex issues. As well as clots, there are also the issues of dehydration, water retention, radiation exposure, and exposure to viruses and bacteria on the flights. And of course, most common of all, the dreaded jet lag.

It has taken me many years to perfect traveling in order to have minimal impact when I fly, and ensure I can hit the ground running when I arrive at my destination. I have experimented with what to do, eat, and what supplements to take while flying and transiting. From not eating, to just having fruit, bringing my own food, taking antioxidants, trying treatments before and after flying, I have now found what works perfectly; just making a few simple preparations can make all the difference in the long haul, and make flying a breeze and something to look forward to.

I see many people make simple mistakes while flying which cost them energy and time after the flight, this prompted me to compile my 15 best practice habits to adopt when flying to prevent silly mistakes, which can be costly to your health.

Here are my 15 tips for flying healthy and happy:

2 x 1.5 Liters of Natural Mineral Water

I always buy 2 big bottles of water once I am through security, it’s important to have fresh water and not rely on the tank water on the plane. This water has often been sitting in the tank, and does not contain as many good minerals, and is not as hydrating as other water, especially naturally sourced water. The tank water may also carry more bacteria due to the sediment build up in the tanks, and the length of time the water has to sit there. Having your own bottle also helps to measure how much you have drank. Most people get extremely dehydrated on flights as they rely on the occasional apple juice or glass of water that is provided through the flight. The need for inflight hydration is much more than what is provided.

Staying hydrated is one of the most important factors for health on a flight, just simply drinking clean water regularly can help prevent water retention and DVT, plus you won’t get dry skin, and you’ll feel much more energized once you reach your destination.

Keep Moving 

It’s important that on any flights longer than 2 hours, you ensure you get up every 60 minutes and move, also while seated do not cross your legs, and periodically move your feet by pointing your toes forward and back.

Get up and do a few laps of the plane, don’t be afraid to do yoga stretches, star jumps, and chat with the crew. DVT is common in travelers, so you need to do your best to reduce any risk. Even jogging in one spot helps. Try and spend 10 minutes each hour being active.

My Movement Routine

10 knee lifts
2 walks the length of the plane
Downward facing dog
10 squats
Side to side walks in the galley

If I am game, legs up against the wall ….. this one is great when you are transiting in the airport.

Here is the Qantas airline recommendations for onboard exercise while you are seated ….

Mineral Water with a Squeeze of LemonKeeping electrolytes optimal is important; signs you are dehydrated are sore red eyes, dry lips, swollen legs, belly bloating, and severe fatigue.  The best way to stay hydrated is to sip natural mineral water, which you can get on the plane, ask the flight attendants to squeeze lemon into your drink, this will add to the electrolyte value plus will aid digestion. If you’re going on a budget airline, take your own lemon slices and you may have to make do with soda water. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is my go to when flying, this wonderful vitamin helps to not only boost the immune system when flying, but has an added benefit of making your blood less thick, which will help reduce your risk of water retention and DVT. I find taking 1000 mg every few hours when flying drastically reduces leg swelling, plus I never get sick on the flights. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, so it helps to fight free radicals, which are more prevalent in higher altitudes, due to the radiation, and poor air quality.

Chlorella Tablets

I would never leave home for a flight without these. In planes you are exposed to contaminated air, less O2 and increased amounts of radiation. Chlorella tablets help your body fight the negative effects. Chlorella is a fresh water plant, which contains one of the highest ratios of chlorophyll: the active detoxifying chemical in plants. This helps to protect against chemicals and radiation, but also helps to reverse DNA damage, keeping health risks on flights to a minimum.  Take a gram before flying and then continue to take about 5 tablets a few times during the flight. You will notice the difference when taking these, plus they will help keep your bowel regular on the plane. Always get a good quality, I opt for Sun Chlorella  which is easier than others to digest and absorb.

Magnesium Powder

The stressors on the body can leave your body depleted of magnesium. I like to consume a dose of magnesium in water a few times during the flight. Not only does it keep me relaxed, but also it hydrates the body, and helps prevent muscle tightness, aches, and pain on the flight. You may also pop the dose in your large water bottle, this way you’ll be getting a continual dosing of magnesium throughout your flight.

Blue Light Blocker Glasses

These are a game changer! Timing is everything on a plane. You need to sleep and wake related to your destination. So set your clock to destination time, and figure out when it is sleep time and wake time. If it is night time, but you’re not ready for sleep, pop on some blue light blocker glasses, these will help to lower cortisol, and trick your body into thinking it is night time. These saved me on my most recent flight. Also use them when you are at your destination to prevent insomnia related jet lag, pop them on about 8 pm to help your body wind down and prepare for sleep.

Good Quality Eye Mask and Ear Plugs

It is so easy to be disturbed by the crew and other passengers on the flight, so when it is time to have a sleep, ensure you pop on your eye mask and ear plugs, these will reduce any outside noise and lighting. Invest in good quality, don’t rely on the plane freebies, these are often uncomfortable, I prefer to use Macks Ear Plugs, and I try to get large padded eye masks like this one which is ultra comfy.

Saline Nasal Spray

Flying is a super dehydrating activity, and their is nothing more uncomfortable than dry cracking nasal passages. The simple solution is a saline nasal spray, this is a non-medicated spray which moisturizers your nasal passages while clearing away any bacteria. The nasal cavity can get dry and cracked, and this often causes nose bleeds on long flights. Using a saline nasal spray a few times during the flight will prevent this, simple FES will do the trick.

Eucalyptus Oil

This is the number one thing for those who have problems with pressure and ear pain, but it is also my recommendation for travelling parents with babies. Babies tend to suffer from pain during takeoff and landing. Just pop a few drops on a tissue and keep it close by so that you can smell it, but be careful not to let it get in contact with the baby’s skin. The smell will help to release the pressure in the ears, preventing pain and blockages.

Set Your Time

Plan your flight in accordance to your destination time. Set your clock to your destination time, and ensure you eat and sleep in time with your destination, if you are meant to sleep but don’t feel tired pop on your blue light blocker glasses, if you’re tired get up and walk about to help get refreshed.


The usual snacks found on planes are mini mars bars, soy crackers, and instant noodles. All high in sodium, preservatives, and sugar, the opposite of what you need on a long flight.  I always ensure I take some healthy snacks; these include chopped carrots, cucumbers and celery, and raw mixed nuts.  Most recently I have also taken a mix with chia seeds along, which I mix with water for a filling and healthy snack to have on the plane or at airports.

Chia Mix Recipe
1 cup chia seeds
¼ cup bee pollen
½ cup goji berries
1 cup cashews
½ cup dried coconut water or Ayams coconut milk powder

Store in a container or zip lock bag. When you are ready to have a snack, fill a cup 1/3 full and then add 3 parts water, let it sit for 10 minutes and enjoy. You can experiment with your own favourite combinations.


When you get to your destination, ensure you do a little barefoot walking for 20 minutes; this helps to get in sync with your new time zone and helps to prevent jet lag. I normally spend about 20 minutes doing Yoga outside on the grass..  The mix of natural light coupled with grounding is the perfect recipe for a refreshing night’s sleep.

Noise Reduction Headphones

These are a must, especially if you watch the entertainment. I have always hated the headphones on planes, you constantly hear the hum of the engine and people talking. With great noise reduction headphones, the entertainment is much more enjoyable.  The added benefit of having nice big noise reduction headphones is that you won’t be disturbed by the person sitting next to you. They are not hard to miss!!

Pick Your Seat Before You Travel

Go onto Seat Guru and check out which seat is best for you. Many people prefer the window seat so that they can look at the view or rest by the window, however for overall health and wellbeing, I advise you get an aisle seat, as this allows you to stretch out, and get up and down each hour to ensure you get your inflight exercise.

Overview of my 15 flight tips:
Take 2 large bottles of water on board
Stick to a movement routine every hour
Drink sparkling mineral water with a squeeze of lemon
Stock up on Vitamin C
Pack your Chlorella tablets
Take a good quality magnesium powder
Carry your blue light blocker glasses
Invest in a good quality sleep mask and ear plugs
Take a saline nasal spray
Use eucalyptus oil to prevent ear pain
Set your time to your destination
Carry healthy snacks on board, including a dry chia mix
Ground yourself when you arrive
Noise reduction headphones
Pick your seat before you fly

Happy Flighting Everyone ……


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