What Sweet Cravings Mean & The Best Way To Control Them

Did you know that sweet cravings have specific meanings? The timing of your sugar cravings can tell us a lot about what is going on in your body.

Let’s take a closer look at why you might be craving sugar and what to do about it.

When are your sweet cravings hitting?

The timing of your sugar cravings can give us some indication of what might be going on.

After a meal

Ask yourself: was that meal the right balance for your needs?

Some people do well on a lower carbohydrate approach. Others need some carbs to feel balanced and energised.

If you eat a pasta dish and crave something sweet afterwards, it was probably too much starch for your body. Try balancing it out with some protein and healthy fats.

Play around with what suits you. Everyone is a little different!

10am and 2pm

If you find your sweet cravings hitting around snack times, it usually means you’ve gone too long without eating something decent.

This is common in the office. You might have lunch at 12pm – a simple tuna salad. But come 3pm, you’re exhausted. You want nothing more than a coffee to boost you up and a sweet treat to energise you.

What this comes down to is that your lunchtime meal has not been enough to sustain you. As a result, your blood sugar has dropped down and left you hangry!

There are two options for you here:

  • Make sure there is enough in your main meals to sustain you calorically. Add in some healthy fats, a handful of nuts and seeds, some olive oil, or even a bigger serve of protein. You could also add in some low GI carbs such as some roasted sweet potato.

  • Have a designated snack to have at snack time. Don’t wait until 3pm comes around and you feel exhausted! Instead, plan a snack to eat at 2pm before the energy drop comes in. Opt for a savoury snack such as nuts and seeds.

Upon waking

There are a couple of reasons that you feel the need for something sweet as soon as you wake up.

Firstly, a poor night of sleep can affect your blood glucose regulation. So if you didn’t sleep well, keep in mind that you might be more prone to cravings until you get some more rest.

Another factor is what you ate the night before. Did you have a high carb meal that might cause fluctuations in your blood sugars? Or did you have a light meal that may not have been enough to fuel you until morning?

Finally, it can be as simple as dehydration. We go 7-9 hours every night without water, but our bodies don’t stop using water during that time! It’s common for us to be dehydrated upon waking. For some, that can lead to sweet cravings.

So what can you do? Firstly, have a big glass of water to address any dehydration.

Then have something savoury and nutrient-dense for breakfast – think eggs, avocado, nuts and seeds. This will calm your blood glucose fluctuations. It will also refuel your body if last night’s dinner was the trigger.

How to take your power back from sugar

Do your sweet cravings control you? Want to get back in the drivers seat of your food choices? There are a few steps you can take to address underlying causes of your cravings and restore balance.

Eat 3 balanced meals

It seems simple, but it works! Eat 3 balanced meals that have sources of protein, fibre and good fats.

Make sure you’re eating enough calories to keep you feeling satiated until the next meal.

Include some magnesium

Magnesium is critical for blood sugar balance. You can start by including magnesium-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes.

For many, a high-quality supplement can help to boost up levels.

Swap your sweet snacks for savoury options

Don’t fall for your sweet cravings – eating something sugary will only continue the cycle! Instead, reach for savoury snacks such as nuts and seeds.

Don’t shop while you’re hungry

This is a mistake we’ve all made at one point or another! Don’t do the grocery shopping when you haven’t eaten in hours. This allows your reptilian brain to take over the decision-making.

More often than not, you’ll come home with half a dozen treats – and missing the one ingredient you went there for in the first place!

Stay hydrated

Sweet cravings can be triggered by simple lack of water. So make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and other hydrating fluids throughout the day.

Start off your day with a big glass of water. Then find a way to incorporate drinking water throughout your day. For example, you might keep a teapot with some herbal tea on your desk, or you might drink a glass with every meal and snack.

Remove sugary treats from the house

Don’t make it easy for self-sabotage to happen. If you think you’re going to cut down on sugar but keep a stash of chocolate hidden away, the chocolate will tempt you!

If you keep sweets in the house for your kids, buy them options you don’t like. Or even better – switch them to healthier snacks that are lower in sugar!


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