20 Ways to Balance Estrogen

What do you think of when you hear the words “elevated estrogen”?

Most people might think of painful heavy periods or an hourglass body shape, or even larger breasts, but the truth is elevated estrogen is a whole other ballgame which can really impact your life.

Not only does high estrogen cause stubborn hard to shift weight, menstrual problems and mood problems, it is also extremely carcinogenic in high amounts. Knowing this helps to de-mystify oestrogen dependent cancers and gives hope that we can prevent these cancers long before they strike.

So why don’t you hear more about preventions? It is starting to become more mainstream, but honestly, preventive medicine should be at the forefront of cancer treatment, not some add-on or last-ditch attempt when it could be too late.

What are your estrogen levels like?

How do you know if you have issues with estrogen balance in your body? Below are some symptoms which generally affect those with elevated estrogen. If you have these symptoms it does not mean you are going to succumb to an estrogen-dependent illness it just gives an indication of your hormone balance which you can then be addressed through diet and lifestyle.

“Prevention is better than cure”

Symptoms of elevated estrogen:

  • Heavy painful periods

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Painful or lumpy breasts

  • Estrogen-dependent cancers such as breast, uterine, prostate and ovarian

  • Melasma (dark discolouration on your skin)

  • Red flushed checks

  • Water retention

  • Fibroids

  • Depression

  • Hair loss

  • Stubborn weight loss

  • Acne on the jawline

You may have tried numerous antidotes over the years such as the oral contraceptive pill, painkillers and even in some cases antidepressants when really the cause needs to be investigated.

I find that so many times these symptoms are due to hormonal fluctuations throughout the month, and in some cases, this balance of hormones can be way off! The imbalance can cause horrendous symptoms resulting in having to stay home during bad painful bouts in the menstrual cycle. It’s not normal to experience this intensity of symptoms, so whenever this is an issue it reflects on the balance of hormones and indicates that action needs to be taken.

Before hitting the medication it is a great idea to get tested to see what your hormones are doing, but if you do suffer from the above symptoms and have terrible PMS then you can try some of the tips below to help alleviate your symptoms.

In most cases estrogen is the trigger of these terrible symptoms, especially in relation to progesterone, this imbalance could be due to any number of factors such as:

Post pregnancy
Miscarriage /abortion
Low thyroid
Poor gut function
Exposure to dioxins
Exposure to plastic
Poor liver function
Genetic anomalies
Even overconsumption of soy (NB – Men should consume too much soy)

Whatever the reason for the estrogen to be above optimal levels, you can always follow my guidelines to help protect you against xeno-estrogens and detox any elevated estrogens in your body.

20 Tips to Cleanse Estrogen From Your Body and Life

Make sure your meat is organic and grass fed

This will ensure you are getting the best quality meat free from excessive hormones due to stress or the type of food the animals were given. In particular, don’t eat chicken or salmon unless you can source good quality organic or ocean raised salmon.

Don’t overuse cosmetics and perfumes

Fragrances contain all kinds of nasty toxins which promote estrogen dominance. If you work in an environment with lots of perfumes or chemicals make sure you take a good chlorella and zinc supplement to combat the nasty effects. You can use an APP such as Skin Deep to help you figure out the nasties in your products.

Plastic is a No! No!

Try and use all glass bottle containers, save all your jam jars and glass containers so that you can reuse them, and get rid of all your plastic takeaway containers. Use your own mug when getting take away coffee the chemicals in the coffee cups are very harsh and even worse when in contact with hot water. Not only is this better for you, but it is better for mother earth to. 

Beware of eating tinned food

Tinned foods contain BPA as well as aluminium. I just use canned coconut milk and that’s it, stay away from any canned fish or acidic products like tomato passata as the BPA’s can leach out due to the acidic environment. Definitely, don’t buy dented tins as the BPA lining has been compromised.

Avoid parabens in toiletries.

Read all the labels and use a natural oil like rosehip or avocado as a moisturiser, you can add a nice essential oil for scent. You can purchase great natural products from nourished life store online here. 

Carbons from the ceiling and floor tile glues, or chipboard

These materials can be highly estrogenic. f you have recently renovated or moved to a new house then it’s best to follow a light detox.

Pouring common bleaches and cleaners into hot water generates a gas

This gas, when inhaled is very dangerous. Try not to use bleach and if you do wear a mask and ventilate the area properly.

Eat more brassica greens

Such as broccoli, cabbage, kale and Brussel sprouts, these contain indole 3 carbinol a potent molecule that strongly detoxifies and metabolizes harmful estrogens. A healthy diet should include 3 cups of sulphur rich vegetables a day. (see list below)

Consume sprouted pulses

Such as chickpeas lentils, red kidney beans and mung beans because although these are phytoestrogens they are considerably less potent than estradiol and can block cell receptor sites from accepting the estrogen hormone estradiol.

Eat 3 cups of brightly coloured vegetables daily

Brightly coloured vegetables contain carotenoids which help to reduce estrogen levels. 

Beware of some common sunscreens ingredients

Such as  PABA, retinyl palmitate and oxybenzone have been banned or questioned already. These may encourage estrogen dominance.

Go organic

Estrogen-enhancing pesticides like DDT and Lindane are still appearing in our food chain, especially on imported foods. Don’t eat important foods, always go with what’s local and in season.

Take light but daily exercise

30 minutes a day is linked to lowered estrogen levels, lowered cancer risk and less cancer return.

Wear blue light blocker glasses before bed.

You can purchase UVEX glass from here. I also love Gunnars as they protect your eyes from screen usage.

Sleep in a fully darkened room

Ensure you have blackout blinds, and check any devices and lights on them are turned off. When you stay in hotels unplug absolutely everything, you’ll sleep so much better.

Reduce exposure to EMF´s

EMF’s reduce your melatonin levels. Beware of living near power cables; having TV´s or electrical equipment around your bed; have your home tested for fault lines. Turn devices off when not in use

Try to reduce any antibiotic use

And do take multi-strain probiotics. Your gut bacteria has been proven to help the removal of estrogenic compounds from the body, so it is important to keep it healthy.

Increase these Brassica foods:

  • Cabbage

  • Broccoli

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Cauliflower

  • Legumes,

  • Garlic

  •  Fibre – Soluble and insoluble

  • Fish oils

  • Turmeric

  • Flaxmeal

Avoid foods which can effect estrogen levels such as Tofu, soybeans, soy protein isolate, sunflower oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, corn oil and alcohol

Use heat to detox such as infrared sauna, dry sauna or even hot yoga. The excess hormones escape in your sweat. Make sure you are not wearing an antiperspirant when you go for your hot cleanse.

My Daily gentle cleanse formula 1 broad-spectrum probiotic on rising and before bed 6 x Chlorella tablets daily 2 x Activated charcoal before bed

NB: You should be eating 9 cups of vegetables daily this includes
3 cups sulphur rich vegetables
3 cups green leafy vegetables
3 cups of colourful vegetables

What do 9 cups of vegetables look like ……….

 I would love to hear your feedback or even any success you have had balancing estrogen.


Cholesterol, what we are learning


The Curse of Low Estrogen