Weight Loss Wednesday's Live On Periscope

It was about time …..

So I made the jump and started using Periscope, this was a huge one for me, as the live streaming really freaked me out (still does). The great thing about Periscope versus other social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, is that it is live – in real time. You can ask me anything you want and it is there for the world to see. This concept makes it super fun and really interactive. Only last week I ended up giving advice to a follower on sleep, as it was midnight with her in Mexico. In short Periscope frightens the hell out of me, but I love it and the way I can interact with you all.

Here’s what I decided to do…..

Each Wednesday I will be live on Persicope at 3pm SYD time (this may change), I have aptly named it Weight Loss Wednesdays, you can ask me anything you like about weight, and I will try my best to answer. I will also have weight loss tips to share with you. Last week I shared my insight on cold therapy for weight loss, and the use of the game candy crush for curbing cravings. The Periscope is recorded and kept for 24 hours so that you can watch the replay. It’s so cool!!! But I will also be recording them and posting them, on my blog for you all to see – just in case you miss the live Periscope. I am sure you will get lots of golden nuggets, and I will even try and get guests on to answer your weight loss questions.

A small favour to ask
In return for this real value I will be giving, please show your support and show me I am not alone. Giving me hearts on Persicope by tapping the screen while I am on is a great way to show you love the content. Please also give me feedback and ask questions, the more questions the better. I want to deliver really great value to you.Below is my first Periscope session
I talk about food cravings, detox and a few other things …..Enjoy


Weight Loss Wednesday's - Why Low Carb Doesn't Work For Everyone!


Buckwheat Apple Cake