What a Naturopath Eats for Breakfast

I tend to recommend green smoothies to a lot of my clients, due to them being healthy, nutritious, easy, and tasty. Recently, however, I am getting a few frustrated emails from clients wanting something different. They are a bit over the green smoothies, and need more variety, but are not sure how to mix things up. It can be difficult knowing where to start.

So, I thought, what better way to show how you can mix it up than by putting a heap of my breakfast meals in one place with photos so you can see the ratio and combinations I use. I think that the visual will help you to get inspiration, and also change the way you view what is a good breaky option.

I was a long term vegetarian until 2014, when I discovered Dave Asprey, and tried some of his eating habits. I found this way of eating to be energizing, tasty, and satisfying. In fact, changing my diet actually changed my metabolic type, I went from being a slightly insulin resistant vegetarian, who snacked regularly,; to a meat munching fat metabolizer. This also changed my body shape and fat and muscle distribution, but that’s for another blog post.

Having this background gives me great insights into not only vegan and veggie ways to eat, but also how to add in meat so you are still healthy. When you eat meat, you should always remember to at least triple your non starchy veg intake to counteract any oxidation, and keep your bowels working efficiently. I tend to do 20% protein and 50-60% veg.

What does this look like?

I know that adding lots of veg, especially at breakfast, can be daunting, so here are some truly tasty examples of how you can easily achieve it.

“Let’s begin by changing the breakfast mindset – it doesn’t have to be toast and vegemite.”

Refried beans are super easy to make, you can make up a batch and just have them cold or do a quick reheat. In the photo I have added salad greens, roasted cauliflower, and for my hubby a few rashers of bacon. Along with the refried beans you can batch roast the cauliflower.

We eat this one on the weekend around 11am, it keeps us full right through till dinnertime, so I only need 2 meals that day. You can add extras, such as avocado if you need to make it larger. Or it can even be a side to accompany a meat dish.

The zucchini salad breakfast is one of the easiest and quickest things to eat in the morning. You can set it in the oven and come back 20 minutes later, eat, and off you trot out the door.

It’s as simple as chopping the zucchini, covering with pepper, salt, and butter, and then adding a layer of bacon over the top. Bake for about 20 minutes. Serve with ½ avocado and sauerkraut.

Again, you can bulk bake on Sunday to save time during the week.

“You can also double up these dishes and have them for lunch – yummy, easy, and cost effective”

This is a super simple bacon salad served with avocado and leafy greens.

You can throw together whatever you like, I used falafel from a packet, which I baked in the oven with the bacon. Why, do I bake everything? I do it to give me time, I can have a shower, get ready, and then throw it together with a salad, it creates a gap for me to do other things.

You can also do some nice vegetarian options, I like to mix it up, considering I am a veggie at heart.

I use tinned beans just for ease, but I also cook my own. I do this on the weekend, and cook a large batch so they are good to go. But, it is always a good idea to keep spare tins in the cupboard of white, kidney, and pinto beans, as well as lentils. They aren’t as nourishing, but if you get caught short they will do the job.

This is a simple throw together salad using white beans, along with leafy greens, avocado, and sauerkraut. I added olive oil, salt, and pepper. You can replace the white beans with your variation of legume. The great thing about legumes is that they are a starch and protein source so you kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak.

Another lovely way to use beans is to make baked beans. This bean dish is sooo delish!  I make this in my super cute miniature cast iron pot, it is a one dish meal.

I use kidney beans, and give it a little Mexican twist using tomato passata, chili, lemon, and coriander with some olive oil. You can also make it a little Mediterranean with Parmesan, olives, and garlic.  This can be baked in the oven with a lid on for about 20 minutes.

Next, if you like a bit of Haloumi, you can just cook it up with turmeric, then throw some salad leaves together with avocado, seeds, olives, and olive oil. Add in Haloumi, and this is a super tasty breakfast.

Or, you can opt for the good old green smoothie. This is healthy, cleansing, and super quick. You can even do it the night before. Ensure it has a balanced combo of fat, protein, fruit, and veg. You don’t want it to be full of fruit, otherwise you risk raising your blood sugar levels in the morning. I always have coconut milk or avocado on hand to throw in, along with collagen protein. These additions will turn any healthy smoothie into a full-blown meal. You’ll be satisfied till lunchtime.

 Where are the eggs you ask? Well I tend to not use eggs, but you can easily replace any of the protein options above with two eggs, they have a good kick of protein and some fat; you might find you want to add avocado with eggs just to help satiate you.

So, I encourage you to play around, find your easy, healthy breakfast combos, which aren’t stressful to make in the morning.

I would love for you to get creative and share your breakfast photos with me.  You can share them on my instagram @NaomiJudge.

I hope this has inspired you! To be creative when it comes to breakfast.

If you would like more ideas on what to eat, to feel great, cleanse and lose weight!
Check out the
Kickstart cleanse FREE 3 day meal plan 


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