What can I eat for breakfast

How to create a healthy breakfast that sustains and energises you!

Either you love having breakfast or just can’t stomach it. The fact is how you start your day is super important to how the rest of your day will go. Some of you will do ok not having breakfast first thing. The other will need to eat. But remember even if you don’t have breakfast you need to make sure you’re not running on empty, and you need to make sure when you do it it’s a great combination of health supporting foods.

So I have put together this guide to help you navigate breakfast and determine the best breakfast for you no matter if you at 6am or 12 pm.

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Creating a healthy breakfast

When creating a breakfast that will support you through the day until your next meal you need to consider three main things

How much protein?

How much starch?

How much fat?

Time isn’t as important as a lot of people like to make out. If your meals are healthy and sustaining, you can afford to go for longer without out food.

Everybody’s needs are different. It depends on your overall health and well-being. Do you have any history of blood sugar issues, are you stressed, are you coming out of chronic illness. So always start with a breakfast you know is going to sustain you and if you need to tweak it as you go.

What Proteins should you use
Meat Eaters

1 – 2 organic sausage
1 -2  chicken thighs
2 -3 bacon rashers
3 sardines
Hydrolyzed collagen protein in your smoothie
Cup of bone broth
1 cup of leftover protein from dinner

Vegetarian options

3 slices Halloumi cheese
2 eggs
Whey protein powder added to your smoothie

Vegan Options

½ cup seeds
½ cup almonds
½ cup quinoa
½ cup buckwheat
1 cup tempeh
Vegan protein powder such as rice or hemp added to your smoothie

Fat to add:

½ avocado
½ cup olives
½ cup coconut shreds
¼ cup coconut cream

Starches you can use:

½ cup sweet potato
½ cup cashews
2 tablespoons chia seeds
½ cup lentils

Here are some excellent ideas from foodie bloggers. These have great combinations of how to use protein for breakfast

Healthy Breakfast

Healthy Breakfast

Saulus Southern Highlands Slow Cooker Baked beans

Brenda Janschek Heath & Lifestyle Spiced Quinoa Porridge

Healthy Breakfast


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