6 Body Signs of Excess Estrogen

What is your body trying to tell you?

Sometimes it can be very frustrating! Especially when you have excess estrogen!

You might have issues with your health, niggly little health issues and your GP says it’s normal, or maybe your GP isn’t concerned. But you are. These are small signs, messages from your body that something is out of alignment.

These signs build up over time until you have a real issue with the cause which could be excess estrogen.

What if you could know what signs to look out for so you could take care of business before it becomes an issue?

In this video, I am going to talk about the body signs of excess estrogen. If these are picked up early enough, you can take steps to balance your hormones; this will prevent future issues such as dominant estrogen, cancer,  glaucoma, gallbladder removal surgery, hysterectomy and even elevated cholesterol after menopause.

You see, these signs and symptoms are not separate, it’s a bigger picture and connection of what your body is doing and how your body is responding to emotions, diet and your environment.

Ok, lets’ dive on in.

Large Moles

These include larger berry coloured moles. Generally, 6 or more can indicate you have excess estrogen. They are a sign your gallbladder is not clearing estrogen. I have a few larger moles and tend to be in excess estrogen if I don’t take care of my health.

Darkening of the skin

Conditions such as Melasma, Chloasma, liver spots and age spots. These can indicate levels of estrogen and metabolites being elevated.

Women who are on the oral contraceptive pill or pregnant tend to have worsening of this. The good news is that once you cleanse your liver and gallbladder and balance estrogen, the darkening reduces and in lots of cases disappears.

Keratosis Pilaris

Even though this can be worsened with gluten and dairy intake, you might also find it worsens during certain times in your cycle. Such as the follicular phase or for some ovulation. This is because estrogen or testosterone dominate can cause inflammation and a flare-up.

Estrogen also creates more growth of keratin which is the main issue in Keratosis Pilaris. To help this condition keep inflammatory foods low, cleanse your liver to support your hormone balance.

Thrush & Dandruff

Did you ever wonder why sometimes you had no dandruff and other times it gets super bad, same with thrush and other fungal infections?

The reason for this is the cyclic nature of hormones. Estrogen elevates during ovulation and the follicular phase causing yeast growth which triggers these to flare up. You’ll notice that you’ll have a week when it’s really bad and you’ll have a week when it’s gone.

Catch 22  – Estrogen triggers yeast and yeast triggers more estrogen!

Facial Redness, Flushing & Rosacea

Estrogen excess can promote a more inflammatory response in your body. This also causes your capillaries to dilate. Dilation of capillaries can increase redness, inflammation on the skin and can also increase histamine. This, in turn, creates more sensitivity in your skin and more redness.

One thing I suffered from in my 20’s was severe facial flushing and redness. Once I balanced my hormones this went away. It only occasionally comes back when I am midcycle and have a red wine!


Estrogen excess can trigger fluid retention. Once you are holding onto more fluid things like cellulite will worsen. The fluid stays in your tissue and causes bloating, puffiness in the face and hands, and will also make cellulite stick out and look worse.

What to do?

The first place to start to heal your hormones is to cleanse your liver, gallbladder and digestive system. You want to support estrogen metabolism and detoxing

  1. Include 6 cups of non-starchy veg daily

  2. Consume lemon in water to aid gallbladder cleansing

  3. Consume fermented foods to support digestion

  4. Dry skin brush daily to aid clearance of toxins from your lymph system

  5. Consume 2 cups of bitter veg daily like rocket endive, to help support your liver and gallbladder


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