Naturopath Naomi's Full Body Cleanse Reboot

It’s time to cleanse, reboot and balance your hormones.

This series is to help you cleanse through your body systems so that you feel great and balance your hormones at the same time.

Reboot Day 1

Lymphatic System

The Lymphatic system is the best place to start when cleansing.

Hives, sinus problems, puffy eyes are signs your lymphatics aren’t working well.

Foods to support the lymphatics

Celery juice
Nettle tea
Echinacea tea
High vegetable and fat-free soups and stews

Reboot Day 2


Your kidneys are often neglected, and these days they are permanently working due to all the water we drink. The added complication is that tap water contains chlorine, fluoride, boron and ammonia. So your kidneys are forever having to work to cleanse and remove waste from your body.

Favourite Kidney Cleanse Foods

Bitter Veg
Nettle Tea
Burdock tea
Lemon in water

Reboot Day 3


Once your liver has processed toxins it sends them to the bowel via your bile. Your poo is made up of water, bacteria, bile, undigested foods and also toxins which are ready to be excreted.

Foods great for bowel cleansing

Bone Broth
Aloe vera
Slippery elm
Coconut oil
Butter / Ghee
Chia seeds
Raw Cacao
Green Apple

Reboot Day 4


Your liver has three phases which help to break down toxic substances into water-soluble molecules which then your body can excrete via the bowel or kidneys.

All the phases need to be working in a balanced way, not to fast and not to slow. You can use foods nutrients to support your livers phases and ensure toxins are not reabsorbed or converted into more toxic metabolites.

Foods to support liver detoxification

Polyphenols (berries, cocoa, coffee, acai)
Brassica veg (broccoli, kale, cauliflower)
Green tea
Lemon in water
Sulphur based foods (cabbage, leeks, Brussel sprouts, onion and garlic)
Milk Thistle
40 grams of fibre daily from vegetables

Reboot Day 5


Your gallbladder serves a very important function. It’s the main function is to store bile which stores toxins, then it pumps the bile into your small intestines to help excrete toxins from your body.

Excess estrogen will cause the gallbladder to become sluggish and you are more likely to suffer from stones and eventual gallbladder removal.

Foods which support your gallbladder

Apple cider vinegar
lemon in water
Globe Artichoke
Bitter vegetables (endive, rocket, coriander)

No Gallbladder??

Support your liver

Ox Bile supplements 10ml apple cider vinegar in water daily
Milk thistle supplement  – I love Flordis milk thistle brand 
2 litres of filtered water daily
Probiotic daily
Choline foods (globe artichoke, eggs)

I hope you found this Cleanse Reboot series helpful.


Stress and its effects on your hormones


6 Body Signs of Excess Estrogen