6 Body Signs of Low Progesterone

Do you wonder why you do everything right, but still don’t quite feel ‘yourself’?

90% of my clients suffer from low progesterone. This can sometimes be the straw that breaks that camels back when it comes to a busy, stressed out lifestyle.

Low progesterone will leave you tired, exhausted and overwhelmed with the modern day life.

Quite simply you’re stressed! with no life jacket keeping you afloat.

This stress, unfortunately, drains your progesterone levels leaving you depleted.

Oh no!!!!

Progesterone Serves Many Functions

  • Regulating ovulation and the menstrual cycle

  • Production of thyroid hormones

  • Synthesis of serotonin

  • Preps the uterus for implantation of the egg

  • Supports the uterus for labour

  • Prepares women for breastfeeding

  • Supports the stress adaptation response

  • Regulates aldosterone and fluid

With so many functions! It’s no wonder women feel the effects of low progesterone in many different ways. From general puffiness right through to infertility and reoccurring miscarriage.

Symptoms of low Progesterone

Quick to temper
losing your patience
Getting irritated
Heavy painful periods
Painful swollen breasts
Estrogen-dependent cancers
Pre-cancer growths
Stubborn weight loss
Losing your zest for life
Lack of excitement

Body Signs

Body signs are whispers of things to come.

You might experience a niggle in your body that isn’t serious so you ignore it! But this small sign might be the red flag you need to take note of.

So, it pays to look out for these little signs! Pay attention and understand what they could mean for you and your health and wellbeing.

6 Body Signs of Progesterone Deficiency

Let me take you through some of the most common body signs which can indicate you might be progesterone deficient or heading that way!

1. Water Retention

Water retention is one of the first body signs I see that indicates a hormonal issue. Most often caused by flailing progesterone levels or a low thyroid.

Progesterone and cortisol levels are very closely linked. They are also closely related to Aldosterone. A hormone which controls fluid balance and electrolyte balance in the body.

Low progesterone due to stress normally creates higher cortisol and higher aldosterone. This can cause sodium and water retention along with potassium and magnesium loss.

Electrolyte loss is a big symptoms and the main reason you might suffer from fluid retention, fatigue and excessive thirst.

2. Bloating and Constipation

Progesterone is an important hormone in a few ways when it comes to your digestion.

Progesterone helps to activate thyroid hormone if your progesterone levels are diminished this will lower your metabolic function and can cause constipation and bloating.

You may also experience signs of malabsorption and mineral loss. Low Iron is an example.

Another way progesterone can support or hinder your gut is through the mechanism of protection against estrogen excess. Excess estrogen can exacerbate conditions like candida, bacteria and virus growth. Causing bloating, flatulence, fatigue, weight gain and food sensitivities along with leaky gut.

3. Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur for a few different reasons. One biggy is low progesterone.

As the metabolism slows down so does nutrient absorption like zinc and iron, which can then lead to hair loss.

Another is the balance of sodium and potassium. Stress plus low progesterone can lead to excess storage of sodium, this can be stored at the hair root diminishing supply of nutrients to the hair and then causing hair loss and less regrowth.

4. Breast Lumps

Progesterone has a beautiful protective mechanism on your breasts. It supports healthy breast tissue and growth. Women who are progesterone deficient experience sore, swollen breasts and some even get breast lumps also known fibrocystic breast disease.

5. Acne

With low progesterone, you’ll notice that the acne distribution will be on the jawline. When progesterone is optimal it helps to prevent acne.

One mechanism of action is progesterone helps to balance out estrogen. When estrogen is high it promotes inflammation and candida growth which is a main contributor of acne secondly to high androgens.

6. Premature ageing

Thinning skin, deepening of wrinkles, sudden ageing. This can be progesterone dropping out.

Progesterone helps to regulate collagen synthesis. Collagen helps with tone, brightness and connective tissue. And also helps moister go where it needs to go. Leaving your skin glowing and soft.

If you think you have progesterone issues or you experience depression, anxiety, binge eating the latter half of your cycle. Then it’s time to help support your progesterone levels.

 Here’s where you can start……..

Adapting to stress is pivotal in supporting progesterone and hormone balance.

Adapt to stress

Stress is a hormones stealer. The more you stress the more your hormones will convert to cortisol leaving you frazzled frumpy and fed up.

Zenning Up Your Life

You probably don’t have time for a 7-day retreat in Bali, but you can work at creating micro minutes in your day which mirror a beautiful, soulful and zenful retreat.


Try apps such as BUDDIFY, CALM, HEADSPACE.
Pick 15 minutes daily, such as before bed or in the morning. Create a regular routine around meditation.

Quiet time

Use quiet time as an opportunity to reset your nervous system.
5 minutes sitting with a coffee or herb tea, in silence can be the perfect medicine your nervous system needs.


Affirmations help to instil calmness and can set you up for a great day by balancing your nervous system.

Repeat these daily, or create your own

‘I am calm’
“I am strong, calm and clear”
“I feel relaxed in body and mind”

Natural Essence in Your Home

Add in natural smells, rocks, crystal decor to create a peaceful and healing space.

Rock salt lamps
Natural cotton throws
Wooden panels and natural wood furniture
Crystals and rocks
Essential oils
Natural lighting
Grounding mats

Balancing Your Blood Sugar

Creating a diet that supports you is an important step in balancing your hormones, and raising progesterone.

Combine your macronutrients Fat + Protein + Carbohydrate into ratios that work for you and keep you full and satisfied without craving carbs and sugar.

Add in foods and nutrients that support blood sugar regulation:

Leafy Greens
Sunflower seeds
Cocnut oil

Raise Your Progesterone Through Supplements

Sometimes Progesterone can be so low that you need the help of a few little friends. If you need to supplement always test and track to make sure what you are doing is supporting your own unique hormone balance.

Vitex (Chaste Tree)

If you have low progesterone then you might find supplementing with Vitex known as Chaste tree will help.

Vitex really does work so if you decide to try this then it might be best to get expert advice or at the very least track your symptoms carefully to make sure it is the right thing for you.

NB: Supplementing with Vitex when your cortisol is high or you already have high progesterone can worsen symptoms. Track and test to ensure you are doing the best thing. 

Increase Your Vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C is one of the best absorbed
Natural C such as rosehip, acai, Camu Camu
Kiwifruits are high in Vit C
Sweet potatoes
Leafy greens
Red capsicum

Cleanse Estrogen to Support Hormonal Balance

Swap out plastic with glass
Use natural skin care and home cleaning products
Use essential oils instead of synthetic candles
Ditch the car perfumes
Replace your deodorant sprays with natural sticks or roll-ons

Try my full body cleanse ReBoot to help cleanse estrogen and balance your hormones.

Nourish Your Pituitary

Your pituitary gland is responsible for much of your hormone synthesis. The Pituitary produces stimulating hormones such as TSH, LH, FSH. These stimulating hormones act on various glands to create your life-giving hormones

Support Your Pituitary!

Adding fat into your diet
Supplement with B6.
Eat high Manganese foods (nuts & seeds).
Candle gazing is a great meditation for the Pituitary.
Yoga moves such as headstand, handstand, fish, or wheel.
Alpha waves and beats to stimulate the pituitary.

Working consciously to increase your progesterone is going to 10X your health and wellbeing.

You can go from feeling frumpy, fat and frazzled

To feel calm, happy and full of life.

If you want to learn more about stress and how you can prevent hormone problems in the future. Read on here. 


Support your Hormones after Gallbladder Surgery


Stress and its effects on your hormones