Support your Hormones after Gallbladder Surgery

Your Gallbladder has a Function!

Your Gallbladder serves an essential and vital function when it comes to your hormone balance. If you have had yours removed it’s important to focus on supporting your liver, kidneys and bowel so that your hormones remain balanced.

The Gallbladder stores bile which acts as an emulsifier of fats, bile cleanses the small intestine and helps detox your body from toxins and xenoestrogens as well as killing off bacteria and supporting a healthy small intestine.

Gallbladder & Estrogen Excess

What I am noticing is that it’s common for women with estrogen dominance to have their gallbladders removed. Unfortunately, this doesn’t get to the root cause of the issue and takes away one of the more critical detoxification strategies of your body.

It is the bile which helps to rid your body of estrogen metabolites and xenoestrogens if your gallbladder is not working effectively or you have no gallbladder then your body begins to store up excess hormones and then reabsorb them leading to a dominance in this hormone.

However, if you have had your gallbladder removed, all is not lost, but it means you need to knuckle down and focus on supporting your body to cleanse via the liver, kidneys and bowel as they will be taking on the function of the gallbladder.

In this video, I take you through some of the best ways to support your body to cleanse and detoxify when you have had surgery or problems such as pain, biliousness or stones. Stones are very common and can be prevented if given the right nutrition.

Watch the video here 

Let’s talk about some of the functions of bile

Kills bacteria
Breaks down and supports absorption of fatty acids
Directs vitamin D where to go
Removes excess cholesterol
Detoxifies hormones, heavy metals and toxins
Excretes Bilirubin

What conditions might we expect with no gallbladder and no cleanse strategy in place?

SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Low vitamin D
High cholesterol
Keratosis Pilaris
Dry eyes

MTHFR & Your Gallbladder

This is when things might start to get a little complicated and why it’s good to be aware of some of your genetic traits and SNP’s.

Those with MTHFR are more likely to have liver and gallbladder issues, the reason being is the methylation is compromised, this can lead to poor detoxification and sludgy bile and gallstones. Even more, a reason to support your liver.

Supporting your liver starts with the raw ingredients to make bile.

Bile is made up of

H2O and electrolytes
Fatty acids

By knowing what creates bile, it helps to know what we need to consume as raw ingredients to ensure healthy bile is produced. We want bile nice and green and runny, not dark and sludge like.

Drink enough water
Eat enough fatty acids
Ensure enough salts in your diet

Foods to support you after gallbladder surgery

Fish eggs
Krill oil
Eggs Yolks
Organ meats
Bicarbonate of soda
Lemon in water
Potassium, magnesium, sodium
Apple cider vinegar
Globe Artichoke
Bitter vegetables (endive, rocket, coriander)

Tonics to support your bile production and prevent stones

10ml apple cider vinegar in water daily (to help break down stones and thin bile)
Globe artichoke herbal liquid (to support bile production)
OX Bile (to help support healthy bile production)

Castor oil pack

This is one of the safest ways to support your liver and gallbladder. Apply castor oil to a small tea towel. Place over the upper quadrant of your stomach or where you feel pain. Cover with cling film and then place a hot water bottle over. Lay here for 30 minutes. Repeat daily for 5 days then weekly thereafter.


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