A Detox and Weight Loss Case Study

Joanne Ling from Sistermixin’

Joanne is a busy mum who runs her own online business called Sistermixin’.

Joanne has a long history of being on and off diets (you name it she has done it). Joanne has also been told by many people over the years that the trick to weight-loss is to calorie count and eat “low fat”. Even dieticians directed her to low fat foods. After years of this on again, off again way of life, and constantly seeing her weight bounce back, Joanne had a “ah ha” moment once she joined the Break Through Program! The program offered more than just calorie counting. It offered her a way to enjoy tasty foods that supported not just weight loss, but overall health.

Recently, Joanne has become more and more interested in wholefoods for her family. She has removed junk and additives from her diet, but explains that she was still eating wheat and dairy. She wants to take her health to the next level. She realized that The Break Through! Program offered her the chance to learn more about other areas that affect health and weight like hormones, sleep and mindset as well as nutrition and exercise.

Apart from weight-loss, Joanne felt something else was blocking her ultimate health goal. She suffered from a low grade chronic sore throat, which vanished during the program and only returned once she added wheat back in.

This realization made Joanne aware that some foods really do inhibit health while others can see you thrive. During the program, she is able understand which foods are not supporting her, and which foods promote optimal health and weight loss.

The 2 main reasons Joanne decided to sign up to The Break Through! Program: 1) Learn more about whole foods, and 2) Shed the baby weight.

Joanne got much more than just this from the program than she thought she ever would. The realization and transformation came when she noticed other benefits.

The main benefits Joanne got from the program were:

  • Weight-loss

  • Health improved

  • Sleep improved

  • Moods stabilized

  • Improved nutrition intuition

And another bonus was her husband’s dermatitis disappeared.

Now, Joanne understands how to meal plan for her health and her family who all enjoy healthy delicious Break Through! meals, which support overall health and optimal weight.


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