Winter Warming Recipes

Winter needs to be a time of nourishing and healing, during this time our bodies are rebuilding. This means we need more warming foods and the introduction of aromatic spices. I love to use aromatics to give warmth to food, to help stimulate digestion, and circulate heat through your whole body.

Hibernation Time 
Winter can be a time when many feel fatigued, have body aches, are extra hungry, and lose motivation for physical activities. Many people shut down over winter; pile on the pounds, only to do freak cleanses a week away from summer.

The best way to stay on track is to stay active, but most importantly you need to keep the inner fire of your metabolism stoked. This can be done by using warming aromatic spices.

My favourite winter spices are: ginger, star anise, cardamom, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Add these to savory dishes, sweets, breakfast foods, and hot drinks, to help keep that warm glow through a cold winter.

Chai Spice 
I hate all packaged faux-milks… why? Well 2 reasons, one is because they contain other ingredients besides the base, such as gums and preservatives, as well as added sweeteners. My main concern is that they are riddled with BPA. It is a strong estrogen mimicker, I highly advise against consuming products packaged with BPA, you need to reduce it wherever you can.  I love this recipe because it combines healthy fresh coconut with fragrant winter spices. You can even make you own milk from cashews, or coconut by using shredded coconut.

First pre-make your chai spice mix and keep it in an airtight container. You can use it any time with lots of different dishes.

To Make Chai Mix: 

1 teaspoon black peppercorns 
1 teaspoon cloves
1 tablespoon star anise
1 tablespoon cardamom pods
1 heaping teaspoon vanilla powder
2 cinnamon sticks

Place all the ingredients in a spice blender and blend until it forms a powder.
This is your base aromatic mix, which is adaptable to so many different dishes.

Coconut Chai Drink 
This is enough for 1 large drink

flesh and water from 1 coconut
1 teaspoon of chai mix

Blend until smooth, this can be enjoyed cold, but for real warming benefit, add to a pan and heat slightly, without bringing it to a boil. Serve in a mug and sprinkle with raw cocoa.

Hot Choccy with a Kick!
I love this recipe, it adds a zing when needed, and it has no nasties. You can also make it into a complete meal for breakfast by adding protein powder such as collagen protein, or a clean rice protein.

I like to enjoy this mid-afternoon to help with concentration, and get a quick energy boost. Try to avoid before bed, because for some people, chocolate can affect your quality of sleep.

1 large mug of homemade coconut milk
1 teaspoon butter
1 heaped teaspoon raw cacao
1 teaspoon cinnamon
chili – the amount you like to add the kick

Blend until super smooth and frothy.

To Make the Yummy Coconut Milk 

1 cup of organic shredded coconut
4 cups water
½ teaspoon vanilla powder

Soak the coconut flakes and vanilla powder in the water for 30 minutes, Blend on high for 2 minutes. Allow to stand for ½ hour, blend for 1 minute more then using a muslin cloth or nut bag, strain the liquid. This can be stored in the fridge

Keep the coconut bits; these can be used in cooking or for a recipe such as granola.

Now for a bit of winter warming soup. This can be pre made and served for any meal of the day. On cold days, I like to start my day off with a hot soup, it just gets everything fired up for the day and boosts my inner chi.

Cosy Seed Porridge

¼ cup pepitas
¼ sesame seeds
¼ cup coconut flakes
½ cup coconut milk
¼ cup LSA
¼ cup hazelnut meal
½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon chia spice
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 whole egg
1 tablespoon butter
pinch salt


Heat the butter in a frypan, add all the seeds and heat through, then add coconut flakes, LSA, and hazelnut meal. When nicely mixed add the maple syrup, slat and coconut milk. Finally crack the egg in, mix and serve in a warm cosy place.

Spiced Chicken Soup  

1 whole chicken
7 medium carrots
1  bunch celery (about 12 stalks)
½ teaspoon chili powder
½ teaspoon paprika powder
3cm cube of ginger
2  teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon cracked black pepper
1 handful chopped fresh parsley

Place chicken in a large stock pot, cover with filtered water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 2 hours. Meanwhile cut the carrots, celery and ginger  into chunks and set aside. When the chicken has simmered for 2 hours, remove it from the broth using a large slotted spoon, and place it on a cutting board or rimmed baking sheet. Remove any bones or chunks of skin or fat from the broth and discard. When the chicken is cool enough to touch, remove the skin, bones, and fat and discard, then pull apart the chicken meat into bite-size pieces and return the meat to the stockpot with the broth. Finally add the carrots, celery, chili, paprika, ginger, salt, and pepper. Add   more filtered water, if needed. Stir and bring to a boil over medium- high heat. Reduce the heat to simmer and cook for about 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender. Cover and refrigerate for up to 5 days, or freeze in an airtight container for up to 1 month.

My final warming tip is simple, drink Decocted Ginger Tea. This has amazing benefits, it’s delicious, boosts the immune system, dries up catarrh, and stimulates digestion.

3cm piece ginger
1 large mug of filtered water

Peel and slice the ginger, then add water and ginger to a pan and bring to a boil. Simmer for 3 minutes to get the good medicinal qualities from the ginger, pour into a mug and enjoy the kick.

Keep warm and healthy this winter!


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