Grounding for Balanced Hormones

Improving hormones and health through grounding

I’m always on the lookout for missing links to optimal health and balancing my hormones. At the start of 2018, I discovered the massive benefits of grounding personally. And I’d love to share these with you.Since 2014 my job has meant that I spend numerous hours in front of my computer, I didn’t think much of it at first and to be honest, I got sidetracked. I did my yoga and pilates daily, morning routine and ate organic. But for some reason, I just wasn’t feeling tip-top.So, I tried more supplements got more tests to see what the missing link was!!

I grounded by accident!

And then by accident, one evening at a local Christmas firework display I spent about 3 hours sitting on the beach (skin to sand no towel) That night I slept so deeply, so rightfully so comfortably. I woke up feeling amazing, refreshed balanced and energised.

Wow! I thought. I suddenly realised the considerable impact those few hours of sitting on the beach had. So as part of my 2018 goals and intentions I committed to grounding myself daily, rain, hail, shine or snow. I realised that this part of a healthy life is the MOST IMPORTANT part. If it is missing your body can never elevate to the healthy condition it was designed to be.

I researched and researched some more. I was easy. So much evidence out there to support grounding. I began to ask myself questions.

Do indoor pets need to ground?
Can it speed up weight loss?
Can it reduce lipedema?
Could grounding itself reverse the negative impact of EMF?
Could grounding reverse disease like autism, osteoporosis, even cancer?
Can grounding alone balance hormones?
Reverse thyroid nodules?

The more I research grounding, the more I find out how much grounding benefits health, and there are numerous studies to qualify this.

What is earthing or grounding

Grounding or earthing is direct physical contact with the electrons on the surface of the Earth. The means skin to ground, no-shoes, clothes or towels. Today’s society separates you from contact with the earth’s natural surface. Research suggests that this disconnect may be a significant contributor to disease and chronic illnesses.

Tour De France cyclists use grounding to reduce inflammation.

Some of the many reported benefits of grounding:

Regulates biological Clock
Balances cortisol levels
Stabilises melatonin/serotonin
Reduces time for wound healing
Decreases inflammation by supporting antioxidant action
Pain reduction
Reduces blood viscosity/thins blood (great for MTHFR)
Helps heart conditions such as high blood pressure, palpitations, tachycardia
Prevents tumorigenesis

My Experience with Grounding

Grounding was part of the 2018 intentions I set. I have committed to grounding for 30 minutes daily (so far so good). From earthing daily, I sleep better, can concentrate more on specific tasks for longer. I am also seeing my indoor cat “dude” (diagnosed with cancer) is wanting to be near me more and comes to sit on my lap after I have grounded myself. I see this as an added benefit for Dude as she is reluctant to go outside.

What happens when you don’t ground?

PH levels in your body become more acidic due to the electrical environment in the tissue caused by positive ions.

Voltage-gated ion channels malfunction causing too much calcium to sit in the cells. Excess intracellular calcium can lead calcification, tumours and cysts

You have an over saturation of positive ions causing oxidation and inflammation.

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

Much talk is going around at the moment about the negative impact of increased EMF in our environment. This increase in EMF disrupts the calcium channels in the body leading to more intracellular calcium. EMF is connected to autism, anxiety, depression and Alzheimers. Since the age of technology cancers such as brain and breast have increased. Mitigating EMF in your environment is a huge part of a healthy body, but also grounding can counteract the adverse effects of excessive EMF in your environment.

Here’s how you can ground and earth daily

Wear leather soled shoes

Natural leather conducts the negative ions from the earth’s surface.

Walk barefooted

30 minutes in contact with the ground has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation

Walk to and from your car with bare feet / bins / post box or local cafe

If you can’t go out for 30 minutes then just make lots of little trips outside with bare feet. Give your feet a quick wash after to prevent any pesticide build up

Garden with bare feet

If it is safe to do so, this is an excellent way to ground plus you get the added benefits of being in contact with soil bacteria – great for your gut!!!!

Sit on the earth

Sit skin to ground on the beach, grass, or your back step

Swim in a lake, river or the ocean

Being in the natural water is one of the most therapeutic things you can do.

Use a system such as pads you use at your computer or sleep mats.

Bring nature into your home

Use plants, crystals, salt lamps or water features

I’ve found regular grounding to be a game changer for me, if you commit to this daily routine I’m sure you’ll feel the same.

Happy Grounding!!! I’d love to know how you go.

If you want to know more then check out Nicolas Pineault Author of No tin foil EMF


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