Top 5 Nutrition Tips

The best things to do for the most significant impact on your health and nutrition. 

I was asked by a client “what are my non-negotiable health nutritional habits which have the biggest impact.”

Nutrition Tip # 1

Food quality over quantity

Less is more. Better quality meat, fish seafood. So much food is intensively farmed, such as salmon, that it contains masses of toxins and nutritional benefit. Choose REAL FOOD, less processed food, nutrient-dense food.

For example, you are better choosing 60 grams of excellent quality grass-fed meat over 300-gram steak from intensively farmed matter. Choosing smaller and better quantities is not only right for you, but it’s better for the environment and the future of this planet.

Nutrition Tip # 2

Balance Your Macronutrients


Getting your macronutrients balanced will leave you feeling satisfied, fewer cravings, happy and energized through the day.

Tune into your hunger cues. Have 2 – 3 balanced meals daily. Balancing will help reduce inflammation, balance leptin ghrelin and keep your neurotransmitters balanced.

“Balancing your macronutrients creates freedom around your meals and food.”

Nutrition Tip # 3

Veggie up

Vegetables are the most essential food group and should make the most significant part of any diet.

Vegetables are anti ageing, they protect your DNA and support the liver detoxification process.

Aim for 4-9 cups veg daily.

Nutrition Tip # 4

Know your food triggers

Do you know what causes you to feel tired, moody and inflamed?

The top trigger foods are dairy, wheat, and soy which might be causing you inflammation.  You can work out by keeping a food diary which foods are your triggers. Track your symptoms over two weeks and see what makes you feel great and see what makes you feel not so good.

Look for symptoms like:

Bloating after food

Tired after eating

Craving sweets after your meal

Not feel satisfied

Fogginess after your meal

Nutrition Tip # 5


Try not to feel guilty when you eat. Your mind chatter when you eat is so important. If you decide to eat off your regular meal plan, make the decision and stick to it with no regrets.  Feel good about your choice, and flick that guilty feeling. It does not serve you.

“Be definite, purposeful about the decisions you make.”


Keep Your Healthy Habits on Track


Grounding for Balanced Hormones