Keep Your Healthy Habits on Track

Why is it so hard to stick to healthy routines & habits??

Your habits create your success.

The number one issue I find with many clients is the problem they face once the motivation goes. It’s hard to keep on doing and sticking to healthy habits, especially if you can’t see immediate results. But as Darren hardy would say “it’s all about the sum of your small actions “the compound effect.”

So why might you run out of steam too early to reach your goal?

Because you haven’t set the right goal

If you don’t feel a sense of connection to your goal then once the motivation goes you’ll feel nothing but unmotivated about your actions. Is this your goal? Or is it a goal society is saying you-you want, or maybe it is a parent’s and husbands goal. Your goal needs to be something you feel emotionally connected to; it needs to be a goal you FEEL strongly about so that when the shit hits the fan, you are still dedicated to your goals.

You are getting trapped in the result

There is no point feeling unhappy and unsatisfied while reaching your goals. The aim is to explore feeling satisfied and happy. The primary objective is to feel how you want to think once you reach your goal. Understand that achieving your goal is not the answer to your problems.

Once I lose this weight, I’ll find love

When I’m fit, I will apply for a raise

Once my skin clears up, I will audition for that role

You need to do these things before you reach your goal.

Don’t get fixated on the result.

You start way to big and can’t keep the momentum going.

I see people going on intense cleanses giving up everything and exercising daily. Remember this is a process, and the slower you go, the better it will integrate and the more like you are to attain your goal and not lose momentum.

You don’t have the support of those around you.

Have you got people around you who don’t support your vision? Maybe they push alcohol on you. Or talk you into that pizza. Or even make fun of you for being a healthier version of yourself. They do this because of issues they have; they might be afraid of losing you. While you are trying to live a life that reflects the best version of you. Best you take a break from these people. Or get proper boundaries around them.

Your brain is hardwired for quick reward response.

Humans want a quick dopamine fix! It is this reward system that makes us want to feel good now! Not tomorrow. The best way around this is to use Mel Robbins 5 second rule. Count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and do the thing!

Decision fatigue

Decision fatigue is a biggy! And can halt your progress. You know the feeling! You’ve been busy all day making decisions and then dinner time hits, you’re not planned for this, and for some reason, you can’t make a decision. This leads to you taking the easy route, maybe what you want instead of what you should do. Reduce the number of choices you have to make in a day. You can do this by:

  • Planning your outfits for the week ahead

  • Create meal plans

  • Write shopping lists

  • Have your to-dos written down

The fewer decisions you have to make during the day the better the decisions will be later in the day.

You’ll never FEEL LIKE IT.

No one ever feels like doing the thing until the thing is done.

So don’t wait to feel like it, just do it.

Overwhelm and stress in other areas of your life

If you have other burdens going on, then you are less likely to stick to your healthy habits.

Maybe you are stressed about financial worries or a failing relationship. Whatever you are feeling worried about don’t let it fester. Action what you need to action and get on with things. Action will help you to stick to your good habits. Inaction will create guilt, worry, overwhelm and you’ll be likely to slip.

Guilt and Self Sabotage

Humans guilt and self-sabotage is a big issue for women. It seems to be innately ingrained in women not to feel total worthiness. Work out why you self-sabotage so that you can identify the signs. There are lots of reasons we decide to self-sabotage.

Maybe you’re afraid of losing loved ones if you improve?

You might be afraid of being seen if you lose weight?

Maybe you feel guilty to the core?

Maybe you think you are not worth it?

Figure out why you self-sabotage and take steps to get around this. 

6 Winning Steps to Stick to your healthy habits

  1. Set the right goal

  2. Don’t expect to be perfect make it as simple as possible

  3. Start with just a few small habits smaller habits that you improve on daily / weekly / monthly

  4. Get support from those on the same mission

  5. Take thinking out of it and have a plan that you stick to no matter how you feel

  6. Learn to love yourself

REPEAT (habits are just muscle memory)

Bottom line.. Habits are simple … but hard to stick too.

We don’t feel like it – but you will never feel like it.

Start doing what you said you would do not what you feel like doing.



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