Cleanse ReBoot: Discover the Best Steps to Kidney Cleanse

Time to nourish your filters…..

Kidney cleanses as part of your regular routine are important for your optimal health and well-being. Kidneys are so vital yet often neglected. The liver is often talked about, cleansed, nourished and cared for. But the poor old kidneys go without much love and care. I often get clients complaining of lower back pain after a heavy night on the booze. This is a sign the kidneys need a little bit of tender love and care.

Statistics from Kidney Health Australia are that 1 in 3 adult Australians is at an increased risk of developing Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD3) That figure is alarmingly high and can be prevented with the right nutrition and diet.

You can check out Day 2 of the Cleanse ReBoot Series below, to see how you can take care of your kidneys.

 Risk factors for kidney disease:

High blood pressure
Metabolic syndrome
History of stroke/heart attack
Poor nutrition
Over 60 years old
Previous kidney disease/damage

So, it’s important to nourish and care for your kidneys through your life not just when you get symptoms.

The Many Functions of the kidneys:

  • Removes excess waste from your body

  • Controls fluid balance

  • Regulates blood pressure

  • Regulates red blood cell formation

  • Synthesises vitamin D

  • Converts thyroid hormones to the active form

  • Maintains body PH levels

Some signs your kidneys are struggling:

  • Lower back pain

  • Frequent urination

  • High blood pressure

  • Low metabolism

  • Constant thirst

  • Painful urination

  • Cloudy or smelly urine

  • Kidney stones

  • Painful knees

  • Weak legs

  • Constant fatigue

  • Gout

  • Fluid retention

Before going into a full-on cleanse it’s a good idea to do a little kidney nourishment first, just to get them primed, and show them some loving.

Fructose and protein are the two every day foods which put a strain on the kidneys along with everyday chemicals found in water, painkillers, oral contraceptive pill, environmental toxins and alcohol.

A vegetarian diet high in soups, root vegetables and lots of vibrant vegetables for a few days is a great way to cleanse the kidneys.

MTHFR & Your Kidneys

If you have MTHFR or any methylating issues, this will be of interest to you. The water you drink makes a tremendous impact on the cleansing process. If you live in an area where they put heavy loads of chemicals including ammonia in your water, this could be compromising your cleansing process. Your Methyl Groups (these are vitamins and nutrients which help you detox) will be super low. Without Methyl Groups your cleansing process will be inadequate to cleanse all the nasties. Those who have the MTHFR SNP are at higher risk of having a build-up of ammonium, glutamate, and uric acid in the blood.

7 Ways to Cleanse Your Kidneys

1 cup or organic berries daily
2 cups of Nettle tea daily
Vegetarian 1-2 days per week
Parsley leaf tea tonic each morning
Kidney cleanse Elixir
Keep Your blood sugar steady
Cultured foods daily

Your Kidney Plan

2 cups nettle tea daily
1 litre filtered water daily
2 serves Kidney Cleanse Elixer
14 days sugar-free
1 tablespoon Sauerkraut daily

Kidney Cleanse Elixir

200-300ml filtered water
2 – 3 sticks celery
1/2 teaspoon spirulina or chlorella powder
1/2 cup of berries, fresh cranberries or cherries
tablespoon glutamine powder
few sprigs parsley
fresh lemon juice (optional)

– blend until smooth

 Other foods which support kidney function:

  • Fresh cranberries

  • Seaweed

  • Broth

  • Celery

  • Cucumber

  • Cabbage

  • Capsicums

  • Green apple

  • Sweet potato

  • Pepitas

Happy Cleansing!


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