Master Your Mind with Rena Joy

Guest interview with Rena Joy'Master Your Mind'

Rena Joy mind detox and gut coach joined me for a fantastic live chat to help you master your mind. We talked about limiting beliefs, mindset and how to ensure your emotions don’t dictate your health, behaviour and success in life.Rena started her health journey early in life. Rena had suffered chronically from fainting episodes, pain and IBS which all brought about debilitating anxiety. These chronic symptoms led Rena to search for the answers she hadn’t been able to find. Until one frustrated day, she decided things must change!  The first step was to see a naturopath and then on to deal with the emotions and ultimately mastering her mind.

The Mind Body Connection

The mind and body are connected. Many people go through life with the misguided notion that mind and body are separate. But as Rena pointed out what we think manifests physically. Look at when you get angry your cheeks get red, you might sweat, and your blood pressure rises. 

Your body is responding to how you think and feel - Rena Joy

Master Your Mind

As a result of this new understanding, Rena healed herself through the 'Mind Detox Method'. Due to the success, Rena now uses the ‘Mind Detox Method’ with her clients. She works on one emotion or disease state at a time and works back to where it all began (root cause). Normally the root cause is a belief from childhood.Rena also suggests for new conditions such as eczema flaring up,  look back 12-18 months from when you first got the symptom. You'll find the event that triggered something in your belief system which your body then manifested as a disease state. This takes a lot of work but can be highly effective for conditions that just won't budge. 

Does an emotion show up again and again for you?

Do you notice that something stops you going beyond healing?

What emotions protect you?

A question I get from clients all the time is –

"I am doing everything right. Good momentum great results, but then I go off track?"

 Losing momentum and self-sabotage is a common human trait, and can be the difference between success and failure. It is as though you have a set point and as soon as you reach it, you spiral out of control. The truth can be said for all aspects of your life. You might be super healthy for two weeks and then have a binging session. You might go to the gym three times week to then suddenly stop and have a few nights of pizza and alcohol. It is as though this set-point triggers your self-destruct button. But, once you begin working on beliefs and emotions and master your mind, this cycle takes a different path and elevates your health and wellbeing. 

So why is this the case???

 Rena explains 'you think you aren’t deserving of this success?’Do you think you are not worthy?Maybe you're scared of what change might bring?Does your inner voice sound afraid?

'What if I do get to my perfect weight? Would that mean I'd change, would my friends and family still love me? Do I have the time and money to get new clothes?

 Think of the time when you hit your set point and the self-destruct alarm is triggered. What emotion did you experience?Don’t resist what comes up for you. It happens for a reason. The body wants to bring something to your attention that your body wants to resolve. Listen to your negative and uncomfortable voice within and learn to use it to your advantage.  

Where does the self-destruct trigger come from?

  Rena mentions the age seven years and under is a relevant time in your life, where you begin to form beliefs which shape your emotions, and actions through life. Therefore you need to travel back and uncover those set beliefs. Your unconscious mind holds your beliefs, therefore to heal you need to create a new belief system overriding the existing limiting belief system.First of all, you need to uncover where the belief came from.When Rena first did the ‘Mind Detox Method’, it shocked her! As a result of the process, sadness was discovered to be the dominant emotion. In addition, it uncovered guilt Rena had felt all her life about being a burden to her parents. This understanding was a turning point for Rena; it resulted in her being able to identify how this affected her through her life. This consequently helped Rena form a new conclusion, which elevated her healing process.Without this method, Rena would've been stuck in groundhog day, going around again and again and never advancing past her own set point. 

Where can you start to heal

It’s hard to be positive when you are in pain -  Rena Joy

Three things to start working on today

1) What negative emotions are holding you back

Figure out what emotions are always coming up with you, not dealing with these emotions leads to them continually popping up, which stops you getting past your very own set point. 

Ask yourself, what is the biggest emotion I'm feeling?

  • Anger

  • Frustration

  • Anxiety

  • Fear

  • Shame

  • Guilt

Go head on into the emotion, don't resist it. Feel it, feel uncomfortable and embrace it.

2) Limiting Beliefs

What you think and believe will be so!
“I have no willpower.”
“I don’t like healthy food.”
“I’ll never shift this weight”
“I can’t control myself”

These are beliefs which hold you back. Good news! You can change these.


“I am worthy of success”
“I know I can achieve my goals”
” I believe I can”

3) Ineffective behavior

Repeating your new healthy habits daily will ensure they have a massive impact and help create change. Most people get bored of repeating, and listen to the internal voice before they reap the rewards of repetitive behaviour. Repetition is essential to ensure the habit gets ingrained to your daily routine; it will become easy for you.

Finally, feel gratitude daily. Gratitude is the ultimate for you to be able to ‘Master Your Mind’

Everyone has got something special to give this world- Rena joy


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