This Is How Low Iodine Contributes To Your Mood Swings

Could low iodine be playing a role in your mood-related symptoms?
There is a close relationship between iodine, your metabolism, your hormones and your brain chemicals. This means that a lack of iodine may trigger or even be a direct cause of your mood swings.

The link between low iodine and mood

Iodine is an influential nutrient, thanks to its impact on the metabolism, the nervous system and hormone balance. These add up to a variety of ways that your iodine status can affect your mood.

Studies show that people with low levels and resulting nodules on the thyroid are more likely to experience depression and anxiety, even if their thyroid hormone levels are within range.

Children are also prone to issues if their iodine levels are low. It can significantly impact their school performance and concentration. On the other hand, kids with higher levels have improved performance.

As iodine is tied to thyroid function, we need to look at how your thyroid affects your mood. Your thyroid hormones regulate:

  • Digestion

  • Nutrient absorption

  • Endorphins

  • Bone density

  • Muscle health

  • Metabolism of cells

So if the thyroid is thrown off, the entire body will quickly follow.

Iodine is critical for thyroid function. When your intake decreases, your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) will increase. This increases your body’s update of iodine and production of thyroid hormones.

But when your iodine is too low, your thyroid hormones decrease, no matter how much TSH you produce. This leads to a host of low thyroid symptoms.

Symptoms of low iodine

Some of the symptoms to look out for include:

  • Low mood

  • Fatigue

  • Feeling depressed or anxious

  • Nervousness and trembling

  • Struggling to enjoy life

  • Loss of appetite

  • Mood swings

  • Mental issues such as difficulty concentrating, short-term memory lapses, and lack of alertness

These symptoms can be cyclic in nature, so you may not get them all through the month. During the luteal phase, your hormones can suppress your thyroid. As a result, you can struggle to utilise your iodine and your symptoms worsen. This is why tracking and understanding your cycle is so important!

Other side effects can include:

  • Fibrocystic breast disease

  • Goitre

  • Fertility issues such as miscarriage, stillbirth and infertility

  • Nodules on the thyroid or an enlarged thyroid

  • Obesity

  • Cancer

  • Viral infections

  • Muscle spasms

If you suspect your levels are low, you can test through a urine test.

How to increase your iodine levels

There are a few ways you can increase your intake, including topical, oral and through the diet.

Topically – mix some coconut oil with liquid potassium iodide

Orally – the daily dose of potassium iodide is 150mcg per day. If you plan on taking more, make sure you do so under the supervision of a healthcare professional!

Sodium can also help with uptake. So you may like to add a pinch of salt to your water before taking it to boost your absorption.

Diet – seafood, egg yolks, butter, seaweed and mushrooms are some of your best dietary sources to include. You may also add in iodised sea salt if you struggle to get enough through food.

Be careful with supplementing

More is not always better! Excess iodine can lead to similar side effects, including goitre, high TSH and an underactive thyroid. This is because high iodine can inhibit thyroid hormones in some people.

You could also experience overactive thyroid symptoms if your levels are too high. This can be dangerous if not corrected, as it can lead to a potentially fatal condition known as a thyroid storm.

Supplements may be contraindicated in those taking:

  • ACE inhibitors

  • Potassium-sparing diuretics

  • Hyperthyroid medication 

It’s best to seek professional advice if you are taking these medications.

Experiencing intense mood swings during your luteal phase?

Eating to balance your hormones is a great first step to help you feel calm and balanced again.


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