Is Low Vitamin B6 Driving Your Mood Swings? Here's How To Tell

Do you suffer from PMS, cyclic mood swings and even rage before your period? If so, low vitamin B6 may be playing a role in your symptoms.

Vitamin B6 is involved in many of the body's systems and functions. So when you're not getting enough, or you have a condition such as pyrroles, it can throw you off balance and cause a variety of symptoms.

Why is vitamin B6 so important?

As one of the B group vitamins, B6 is a water-soluble nutrient we use all the time. Some of the functions it is involved in include:

  • Supporting progesterone levels

  • Amino acid metabolism

  • Fatty acid synthesis

  • Breaking down of carbohydrates

  • DNA synthesis

  • Immune function

  • Energy (ATP) production

  • Creation of brain chemicals such as GABA, serotonin and dopamine

When you look at all of these functions, you can see how it is a critical nutrient for hormonal health and mood balance.

Signs of low vitamin B6

So how do you know if you have low levels? There are a few red flags to watch out for:

  • Skin issues such as dry red rashes

  • Cracked corners of the mouth

  • Red, dry, cracked lips

  • A swollen, red, smooth tongue

  • Peripheral neuropathy – tingling and pain in the extremities

You may also see signs in your bloodwork. High homocysteine, urea and CRP can all indicate low B6.

How vitamin B6 could help with your PMS symptoms

Studies show that B6 can help with a variety of PMS symptoms, particularly those related to mood. One review found that doses of 50-100mg of B6 per day could alleviate PMS symptoms and depression associated with PMS.

B6 may be particularly helpful when combined with a mineral such as magnesium or calcium.

One study looked at the effects of 250mg of magnesium and 40mg of B6 daily for 2 months. Participants saw significant reductions in PMS symptoms including:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Water retention

Combining B6 with calcium could also be helpful for calming your moods. Like magnesium, calcium is a relaxing nutrient that is involved with processes such as sleep and nervous system function.

One study found that taking 500mg of calcium and 40mg of B6 daily for 2 months reduced PMS symptoms.

The role of pyrroles

One common cause behind low vitamin B6 is pyroluria or pyrroles. This condition causes low B6 and zinc, as as a result, copper and heavy metal levels rise. It is often associated with explosive rage and anger, particularly in the luteal phase. Other mood symptoms linked with pyrroles include:

  • Mood swings

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Sleep disorders

  • ADHD symptoms

If you have cyclic mood swings that include significant anger or rage, it is worth investigating if pyrroles is involved.

When it comes to pyrroles, you want to take both zinc and B6. Generally, I suggest no more than 50mg of zinc per day. If you go too high on zinc, it can dump copper and heavy metals into the blood and worsen your symptoms.

For B6, 50-100mg per day is my usual recommendation. For even greater results, add in 1g of evening primose oil (EPO) twice a day. EPO has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression within 4 weeks. Both B6 and EPO help increase absorption of zinc.


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